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Verbal Ability – 9 (Recent)

Infosys – Verbal Ability – 9 (Recent)
Directions (1 – 5):  Read the following passage thoroughly and answer the set of questions that follow:
In the world today we make health an end in itself. We have forgotten that health really means to enable a person to do his work and do it well. A lot of modern medicine and this includes many patients as well as many physicians pays very little attention to health but very much attention to those who imagine that they are ill. Our great concern with health is shown by the medical columns in newspapers. The health articles in popular magazines and the popularity of television programmers and all those books on medicine. We talk about health all the time. Yet for the most part the only result is more people with imaginary illness. The healthy man should not be wasting time talking about health. He should be using health to work. The work done shows the good health and that through work good health is possible.
1.  Modern medicine is primarily concerned with
(a) promotion of good health
(b) people suffering from imaginary illness
(c)  people suffering from real illness
(d)  increased efficiency in work
Ans: (b)
2.  The passage suggests that
(a)  health is an end in itself
(b)  health is blessing
(c)  health is only means to an end
(d)  we should not talk about health
Ans: (c)
3.  Talking about the health all time makes people
(a)  always suffer from imaginary illness
(b)  sometimes suffer from imaginary illness
(c)  rarely suffer from imaginary illness
(d)  often suffer from imaginary illness
Ans: (d)
4.  The passage tells us
(a)  how medicine should be manufactured
(b)  what healthy man should or should not do
(c)  what television programmers should be about
(d)  how best to imagine illness
Ans: (b)
5.   A healthy man should be concerned with
(a)  his work which good health makes possible
(b)  looking after his health
(c)  his health which makes work possible
(d)  talking about health
Ans: (a)
Directions: fill in the blanks with the best alternatives:
6. This ——— was a joke to many, a source of unease to an equal number and at times, the bank of     his existence but ———-against his search for justice.
a) aptitude – expedient                                                b) cliché —- innocuous
c) parsimony —– indispensable                                d) wrath —- bulwark
Ans: (a)
7.  A ——– world would ——– us of much complexity
a) polarized – yoke                          b) paradoxical —- fleece
c) pluralistic —- purge                    d) singular —- repudiate
Ans: (c)
8.  In a complex ———- the contributions of an individual to the eventual decision cannot be readily ———–.
a) hierarchy — isolated                                 b) scenario —— condescended
c) phenomenon — realigned     d) pedagogy —- censored
Ans: (b)
9.  The feat extra-ordinarily ——— under what should have been extremely ——- circumstances.
a) valiant — provocative               b) pacified —- provoking
c) sceptical — tranquil                   d) restive — ravaging
Ans: (a)
10.  The louse turned out to be anything but —— and in two days the things were again ——–.
a) congenial — conducive            b) cohesive – sanguinary
c) acrimonious – disarranged      d) amicable – unprecedented
Ans: (d)
11. Because the monkeys under study are ——– the presence of human beings, they typically ——— human observers and go about their business.
a) ambivalent about —– welcome          b) pleased with —- snub
c) habituated to —- disregard                    d) inhibited by —- seek
Ans: (c)
12.  Given her previously expressed interest and the ambitious tone of her recent speeches, the senator’s attempt to convince the public that she is not interested in running for a second term is —-
a) laudable          b) likely                c) authentic        d) futile
Ans: (d)
13. Many of her followers remain ——— to her, and even those who have rejected her leadership are unconvinced of the ——— of replacing her during the current turmoil.
a) opposed – urgency                    b) friendly – harm
c) loyal – wisdom                             d)cool–usefulness
Ans: (c)
14.  Unlike many recent interpretations of Beethoven’s piano sonatas, the recitalist’s performance was a delightfully free and introspective one; it was also, seemingly paradoxically, quite ———.
a) appealing       b) exuberant     c) idiosyncratic                                 d) controlled
Ans: (a)
15. Species with relatively ——— metabolic rates, including hibernators, generally live longer than those whose metabolic rates are more rapid.
a) prolific             b) sedentary      c) sluggish           d) measured
Ans: (c)
Read the following passage and then, answer the questions that follow:
(16-20): Organizations are institutions in which members compete for status and power. They compete for resource of the organization, for example finance to expand their own departments, for career advancement and for power to control the activities of others. In pursuit of these aims, groups are formed and sectional interests emerge. As a result, policy decisions may serve the ends of political and career systems rather than those of the concern. In this way, the goals of the organization may be displaced in favour of sectional interests and individual ambition. These preoccupations sometimes prevent the emergence of organic systems. Many of the electronic firms in the study had recently created research and development departments employing highly qualified and well paid scientists and technicians. Their high pay and expert knowledge were sometimes seen as a threat to the established order of rank, power and privilege. Many senior managers had little knowledge of technicality and possibilities of new developments and electronics. Some felt that close cooperation with the experts in an organic system would reveal their ignorance and show their experience was now redundant.
16. The theme of the passage is
(a)  Groupism in organizations
(b)  Individual ambitions in organizations
(c)  Frustration of senior managers
(d)  Emergence of sectional interests in organizations
Ans: (d)
17. “Organic system” as related to the organization implies its
(a)  growth with the help of expert knowledge
(b)  growth with input from science and technology
(c)  steady all around development
(d)  natural and unimpeded growth
Ans: (b)
18. Policy decision in organization would involve
(a)  cooperation at all levels in the organization
(b)  modernization of the organization
(c)  attracting highly qualified personnel
(d)  keeping in view the larger objectives of the organizations
Ans: (c)
19. The author makes out a case for
(a)  organic system
(b)  Research and Development in organizations
(c)  an understanding between senior and middle level executives
(d)  a refresher course for senior managers
Ans: (a)
20. The author tends to the senior managers as
(a)  ignorant and incompetent
(b)  a little out of step with their work environment
(c)  jealous of their younger colleagues
(d) robbed of their rank, power and privilege

HCL – Reasoning

HCL – Reasoning
In the following questions three statements and three conclusions are given. Take the given statements to be true even though they may be logically at variance to common known facts. Identify the conclusion/s that logically flows from the given statements.
1.       Statements:
Some flowers are bins.
Some bins are handles
All handles are sticks
I.                    Some sticks are bins
II.                  Some handles are flowers
III.                Some sticks are flowers
(a)    Only II follows           (b)  Only III follows          (c)  Only I and  II follows                (d) None of these
Ans: (d)
2.       Statements:
Some towers are windows
All windows are houses
Some houses are temples
I.                    Some towers are temples
II.                  Some houses are towers
III.                Some temples are windows
(a)    Only I follows             (b) Only II follows            (c) Only III follows            (d) Only I and II follows
Ans: (b)
3.       Statements:
Some walls are doors
Some doors are cots
Some cots are chairs
I.                    Some chairs are doors
II.                  Some cots are walls
III.                No chair is door
(a)    Only II follows           (b) Only III follows           (c) Either I or III follows (d) Only I follows
Ans: (c)
4.       Statements:
All trees are gardens
All gardens are stones
All stones are fences
I.                    Some fences are gardens
II.                  All gardens are fences
III.                Some stones are trees
(a)    Only I and II follow  (b) Only I and III follow (c) only II and II follow  (d) All follow
Ans: (b)
5.       Statements:
All books are leaves
Some leaves are jungles
No jungle is box
I.                    Some jungles are books
II.                  No book is box
III.                Some leaves are boxes
(a)    None follows             (b) Only I follows              (c) Only II follows             (d) Only III follows
Ans: (a)
The following is the percentage distribution of the expenditure incurred in publishing a book. Study the details and then answer the questions based on it.
I.                    Promotion cost                 10%
II.                  Printing cost                       20%
III.                Transportation cost         10%
IV.                Paper cost                           25%
V.                  Binding                                 20%
VI.                Royalty                                 15%
6.       For certain quantity of books the publisher has to pay Rs 30,600 as printing cost. What is the amount of Royalty paid on these books?
(a)    Rs 19,450     (b)  Rs 21,200     (c) Rs 22,950       (d) Rs 26,150
Ans: (c)
7.       Royalty on the book is less than the printing cost by
(a)    5%                  (b) 33 1/5%         (c) 20%                 (d) 25%
Ans: (d)
8.       If 5500 copies are published and the transportation cost on them amounts to Rs 82,500, then what should be the selling price of the book so that the profit earned is 25%?
(a)    Rs 187.50     (b) Rs 191.50      (c) Rs 175.00       (d) Rs 180.00
Ans: (a)
Transportation cost for one book -> 82500/5500 = Rs 15 equal to 10% of the cost of the book.
Hence the total cost of the book is 150 x 10 = Rs 150.00 Profit of 25% is required.
Hence the book will have to be sold at 150 x 5/4 = Rs 187.50
9.       The price of the book is marked 20% above the cost price and the marked price is Rs 180.00 then what is the cost of paper used in a single copy of the book?
(a)    Rs 36.00        (b) Rs 37.50         (c) Rs 42.00         (d) Rs 44.25
Ans: (b)
Marked price is 120% of the cost price and is Rs 180.00 Hence the cost price is
180×100/120 = Rs 150.00
Paper cost is 25% of the CP -> 150×25/100 -> Rs 37.50
Study the following arrangement carefully and then answer the questions that follow:
7 R E T 4 A 9 % D F 1 U # B @ 8 H I © W M H 3 2 V $ 5 N P 6 Q 136
10.   How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a consonant and immediately followed by a number?
(a)    None             (b) One                                (c) Two                                 (d) Three
Ans: (d)   ( DF1, MH3, NP6 )
11.   How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a letter but not immediately followed by a symbol?
(a)    None             (b) One                                (c) Two                                 (d) Three
Ans: (d)   ( T4A, F1U, P6Q )
12.   How many such vowels are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately followed by a symbol?
(a)    None             (b) One                                (c) Two                 (d) Three
Ans: (c)      ( U#,  I© )
13.   Which of the following is fourth to the left of the twelfth from the left end?
(a)    %                    (b) 8                       (c) 2                       (d) H
Ans: (a)
14.   Three of the following four are alike in a certain way in the above arrangement and thus forms a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?
(a)    RTA                                (b) 9DF                 (c) #@H                                (d) 3V5
Ans: (b)

Idioms – 4

Idioms – 4  (Source: Learn English Today)
burn your bridges
If you burn your bridges, you do something that will be impossible to rectify in the future.
If you refuse the offer, be careful not to burn your bridges by insulting them. They may make a better proposal later.
burn the candle at both ends
If you burn the candle at both ends, you exhaust yourself by doing too much, especially going to bed late and getting up early.
Scott looks exhausted – I’ll bet he’s been burning the candle at both ends lately.
butter somebody up
When you butter someone up, you flatter them or you are very nice to them, especially if you want to obtain something.
He was so keen to get the job that he spent his time buttering up the boss.
cap in hand
If you do something cap in hand, you ask for something in a very respectful manner.
They went to the teacher, cap in hand, and asked for more time to complete their project.
chance one’s arm
If you chance your arm, you decide to do something even though there is little hope of success.
Tony knew there was little hope of getting into Harvard but he decided to chance his arm anyway.
cheap shot
A cruel, unfair or unwarranted comment or verbal attack is called a cheap shot.
Referring to Tom as an ‘unqualified speaker’ was really a cheap shot.
come apart at the seams
To say that someone is coming apart at the seams means that they are extremely upset or under severe mental stress.
Bob has had so many problems lately; he’s coming apart at the seams.
cramp someone’s style
If you cramp someone’s style you do something to prevent them from behaving freely, or performing to the best of their ability.
I can’t paint with people watching me – it cramps my style!.
cross the Rubicon
If you cross the Rubicon, you make an irreversible decision or commit to a course of action that cannot be changed.
After careful consideration, he decided to stop teaching and open an art gallery, knowing that he was crossing the Rubicon.
cut the cackle
If you tell a group of people to cut the cackle, you are asking them
to stop talking aimlessly and start dealing with more important or serious matters.
OK. It’s time to cut the cackle and get down to business
dig one’s own grave
A person who digs their own grave does something which causes their own downfall.
If you drop out of college now, with such high unemployment, you’ll be digging your own grave.
do a disappearing act
If someone does a disappearing act, they simply vanish, especially if they have done something wrong or dishonest.
Just before the police arrived, the suspect did a disappearing act.
do more harm than good
If the effect of an action is more damaging than helpful, it does more harm than good.
Giving him money did more harm than good – he spent it on alcohol.
eat crow
If you eat crow, you admit that you were wrong about something and apologize.
He had no option but to eat crow and admit that his analysis was wrong.
excuse/pardon my French
This expression is used as an apology for using crude or offensive language.
He’s a bloody nuisance, if you’ll excuse my French.
false move
In a dangerous or risky situation, if you make a false move, you do something which may have unpleasant consequences.
He is under close surveillance. If he makes one false move he’ll be arrested.
feed the kitty
If you feed the kitty, you contribute to a collection of money called a ‘kitty’ in order to help a good cause.
Come on! Every little helps. You should feed the kitty for a good cause!
fiddling while Rome burns
To say that someone is fiddling while Rome burns means that they are doing unimportant things while there are serious problems to be dealt with.
His visit to the trade fair was ‘fiddling while Rome burns’ according to the strikers.
fight a losing battle
If someone is fighting a losing battle, they are trying to do something even when there is little chance of succeeding.
The headmaster is fighting a losing battle trying to ban mobile phones at school.

Reasoning – 6

Reasoning – 6
In the following questions identify the odd man out of the four options given. Three of the options fall under synonyms and that’s the clue to answer the question.
1.       a) emulate          b) alike                c) follow               d) simulate
Ans: (d)
(d) simulate is the right answer.  Emulate means to follow or do things alike. However simulate has an altogether different meaning.
2.       a) wooliness       b) wool                c) rough               d) friction
Ans: (b)
Wooliness actually means to be rough and not smooth. Hence options a, c and d have similar meanings and wool stands out.
3.       a) wordless         b) excitement   c) shocked          d) stammer
Ans: (b)
Wordless is a state where one is unable to speak. Generally this occurs as a result of shock, stammering or due to other similar reasons.
4.       a) Cackle              b) Shrill                 c) High Pitch       d) Roar
Ans: (d)
Cackle is to make a unique high pitched laugh with a shrill sound. Hence options a, b and c are related to each other.
5.       a) Bunker            b) Fuel                  c) Bin                     d) Travel
Ans: (d)
Bunker denotes a fuel tank or bin. Hence options a, b and c are closely related. Hence d. Travel is the answer.
6.       a) agglomeration              b) aggregate      c) collect              d) heap
Ans: (c)
Agglomeration refers to aggregation of different parts/objects into a heap. Hence options a, b and d are closely related. Collect is the odd man out.
7.       a) tatting              b) artwork           c) lace                   d) handmade
Ans: (b)
Tatting refers to an act of creating handmade lace. However, artwork is a general term which is not specific to tatting. Hence artwork is the odd one.
The following questions are based on sequences. Find the next pair:
8.       AB          CA          FB           JA
(a)    OB     (b) OC                     (c) NA     (d) NB
Ans: (a)
Consider the first terms of the sequence A,C,F,J… Here C is one next A, F is two next C, J is three next F and so on. Hence next alphabet would be O (which is four next J). Consider second terms B,A,B,A… Hence this is an alternating sequence of Bs and As. Hence next alphabet would be B.
Based on the above two statements, the answer is OB.
9.        AB         EC           ID            OE
(a)     LF         (b)) UF      (c) UG           (d) LE
Ans: (b)
Answer is option 2) UF.
Consider the first terms of the sequence A,E,I,0… Have you seen this somewhere? Yes, this is our good old sequence of vowels. Hence next vowel would be U.
Consider second terms B,C,D,E… This is a plain sequence of alphabets in order. Hence next one would be F. Combining above two statements answer is UF.
10.   What should come in the place of ?
A,   Z,   B,   Y,   X    ?
(a)    D       (b) C          (c) F           (d) G
Ans: (b)
Consider the second, fourth and last alphabets. They are Z,Y and X which are the last three alphabets. Similarly consider the first and third terms – A and B. These are the first two alphabets. Hence logically the blank should be occupied by C which is the third alphabet from the start.
In the following questions fill the blank with the appropriate word from the choices given so as to make a meaningful sentence.
11.   Body builders use — effort to left heavy weights which may weigh even more than their body weight.
a) extraordinary       b) arduous          c) meticulous
Ans: (b) arduous is used in this context well.
12.   The chemist in that pharmaceutical company was preparing to make —- that medicine before recommending to his patients.
a) a sample of            b) an assay of    c) an analysis of
Ans: (b) an assay of: This means to examine the medicine and this word fits the context well.
13.   Egyptian paintings in ancient times were —- in spite of the limitation of resources during those times.
a) tremendous          b) artful                c) crafty
Ans: (b)  Artful is to develop or create something with great skills. This suits the context well.
14.   Heavy floods following heavy rainfall split that small island ___.
a) asunder                  b) apart                c) partly
Ans: (a)

CAT – Verbal Ability – 2

CAT – Verbal Ability – 2
 Questions (1 – 5): Fill the blank/s with the right choice answer/s to make the sentence complete.
  1. I spoke to the chairman …………. he was sitting alone in the cabin.
(a) where
(b) when
(c) whereas
(d) whenever
Ans: (b)
  1. I went directly to my boss to …….. his approval.
(a) order
(b) restore
(c) seek 
(d) collect
(e) gain
Ans: (c)
  1. It was an unhappy life …….. I lived, full of many anxieties.
(a) that
(b) which
(c) as
(d) where
(e) though
Ans: (a)
  1. My concern for Jugal’s future was very ….. as he was not in job then.
(a) strong
(b) big
(c) good
(d) powerful
(e) much
Ans: (a)
  1. She remained there for hours after Jayant ……….. gone.
(a) had
(b) did
(c) have
(d) has
(e) was
Ans: (a)
Questions (6 – 10): Identify the segment that has a mistake in it. If all the segments are correct then your answer will be ‘E’
  1. On Friday evening / Mamta and me /took a coach/for Patna and arrived at Jamal’s house. / No
(A)                               (B)                       (C)                              (D)
Ans : (B) (Substitute ‘me’ by ‘I’.)
  1. The conference was / attended / by more than /one hundred delegates. / No error
    (A)                       (B)                    (C)                           (D)                               (E)
Ans : (E)
  1. There are / no conducted tours /for tourist to visit all the /important places. / No error
    (A)                  (B)                          (C)                                  (D)                        (E)
Ans : (C)  (Change ‘tourist’ to ‘tourists’)
  1. He neglects / attending lectures / regularly / though college is only a few yards away from his
(A)                        (B)                        (C)                                   (D)
house. / No error
Ans : (D)  (insert the word ‘the’ before ‘college’)
  1. If you saw / the amount of Samosas / he consumedat breakfastthis morning, / you would
(A)                           (B)                                                         (C)
understand why he is so over-weight / No error
(D)                                                          (E)
Ans : (B)  (Substitute the word ‘number’ instead of ‘amount’)
Questions: (11 – 15)
Synonyms: Identify the word having the same meaning as that of the word in Block letters.
(a) Prescribe
(b)  Forfeit
(c) Forbid
(d) Provide
Ans: (c)
(a) Rude
(b) Dull
(c) Illiterate
(d) Obstinate
Ans: (b)
(a) Index
(b) Mixture
(c) Summary
(d) Puzzle
Ans: (c)
(a) Moving
(b) Timid
(c) Obvious
(d) Instructive
Ans: (c)
  1. SHOWY
(a) Rowdy
(b) Hungry
(c) Greedy
(d) Gaudy
Ans: (d)
Question (16 – 20)
Antonym: Identify the word opposite in meaning to the word in Block letters
(a) Repulsive
(b) Loathsome
(c) Abominable
(d) Repugnant
Ans: (a)
  1. RIGID
(a)  Merciful
(b)  Generous
(c)  Lenient
(d)  Tolerant
Ans: (c)
(a) Malignant
(b) Soft
(c) Friendly
(d) Unwise
Ans: (a)
  1. COOL
(a) Hot
(b) Warm
(c) Tempered
(d) Indifferent
Ans: (b)    (Please don’t get confused between Hot and Warm. If the word is COLD then HOT will be the answer)
(a) Unnatural
(b) Synthetic
(c) Artificial
(d) Sham
Ans: (D)

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