Following are suggested answer which can be improved by the candidates. Whatever answer you give -- tell with confidence and where you are not certain do not hesitate to admit it.
Q1)- repo rate tenure is (2 to 90 days ) ,bank rate tenure is (90 to 1 year) .Am i right ??
Re. repo rate. Repo rate applies for short periods normally not exceeding 90 days. Bank rate is charged for longer period.. 90 days and above.,
When we need money, we take loans from banks. And banks charge certain interest rate on these loans. This is called as cost of credit (the rate at which we borrow the money).
Similarly, when banks need money they approach
RBI. The rate at which banks borrow money from the RBI by selling their surplus
government securities to the central bank (RBI) is known as “Repo Rate.” Repo
rate is short form of Repurchase Rate. Generally, these loans are for short
durations (up to 2 weeks).
It simply means the rate at which RBI lends money
to commercial banks against the pledge of government securities whenever the
banks are in need of funds to meet their day-to-day obligations.
Banks enter into an agreement with the RBI to
repurchase the same pledged government securities at a future date at a
pre-determined price. RBI manages this repo rate which is the cost of credit
for the bank.
Example – If repo
rate is 5% , and bank takes loan of Rs 1000 from RBI , they will pay interest
of Rs 50 to RBI.
So, higher the repo rate higher the cost of
short-term money and vice verse. Higher repo rate may slowdown the growth of
the economy. If the repo rate is low then banks can charge lower interest rates
on the loans taken by us.
If RBI cuts Repo rates in its next monetary
policy review which is scheduled on 2nd, December then it means the cost of short-term
credit can come down.
So whenever the repo rate is cut, can we expect
that both the deposit rates and lending rates of banks to come down to some
This may or may not happen every time. The
lending rate of banks goes down to the existing bank borrowers only when the
banks reduce their base
rates, as all lending rates of banks are linked to the base rate of
every bank. In the absence of a cut in the base rate, the repo rate cut does
not get automatically transmitted to the individual bank customers. This is the
reason why you might have observed that your loan EMIs remain same even after
RBI lowers the repo rates.
Banks check various other factors (like credit to
deposit ratios etc.,) before reducing the Base rates.
( Base Rate is the minimum rate below which Banks are
not permitted to lend)
What is Reverse Repo Rate?
Reverse repo rate is the rate of interest offered by RBI, when banks deposit
their surplus funds with the RBI for short periods. When banks have surplus
funds but have no lending (or) investment options, they deposit such funds with
RBI. Banks earn interest on such funds.
Current CRR, SLR, Repo and Reverse Repo
The current rates are (as of last week of
October 2014) – CRR is 4 % , SLR is 22%, Repo Rate is 8% and Reverse Repo Rate
is 7%.
Impact of Repo Rate cut or CRR cut :
Currently crude oil (petrol/fuel) prices,
commodity prices and inflation have eased. Against this backdrop, there
is a high expectation of RATE CUT this time. So, if there is a rate cut what is
the general impact on the economy?

( A
term called as “Basis Points” is often used in monetary policy reviews.
What is Basis
Point? ….
1% is equivalent to 100 basis points.e.g. If Repo Rate is 7.75% and RBI
increases it by 25 basis point, then new rate will be 8% as 25 basis point will
be equal to 0.25% )
Q2)- what is reverse
repo rate tenure ??
Answered earlier
The discount
rate at which a central
bank repurchases government
securities from the commercial
banks, depending on the level of money
supply it decides to maintain in the country's monetary
system. To temporarily expand the money supply, the
central bank decreases repo rates (so that banks can swap their holdings of government
securities for cash). To contract the money
supply it increases the repo rates. Alternatively, the central bank decides on
a desired level of money supply and lets the market determine the
appropriate repo rate. Repo is
short for repossession.
Read more:
Read more:
Q3)-what if bank needs loan for more than 1 year ??what should bank do,where should it approach??
Bank has to approach
other sources. They raise money from the
market. Recently Andhra Bank has raised
at 8.75% interest (2024 repayment)
Q4)-can anyone (any
individual like me) open an a/c with a co-operative bank ?? Do they offer all
basic types of a/c(saving,current,RD,FD, foreign ) ??
Individuals can open account with cooperative bank. Normally agriculturists, small business men open accounts with cooperative bank. They offer SB, current,RD, FD. Foreign transactions are carried out in very few selected offices. (rare)
Individuals can open account with cooperative bank. Normally agriculturists, small business men open accounts with cooperative bank. They offer SB, current,RD, FD. Foreign transactions are carried out in very few selected offices. (rare)
Q5)-why co-operative banks are needed when there are RRBs and vise versa ??
Q5)-why co-operative banks are needed when there are RRBs and vise versa ??
Cooperative banks have been there even before RRBs came, Coop banks bring out cooperative spirit among
members who save as one group and get benefitted, RRBs concept is different,
Q6)-Please tell me about types of co-operative . i am not getting them correctly. are there arera of operation limited??
Q6)-Please tell me about types of co-operative . i am not getting them correctly. are there arera of operation limited??
Q7)-who is RRB and Co-operative bank regulator ?? sponsor bank or NABARD or RBI ??
Q7)-who is RRB and Co-operative bank regulator ?? sponsor bank or NABARD or RBI ??
RRBs are goverened by NABARD,
State cooperative banks monitor the functioning of coop banks besides
Q8)-What is Balance sheet ?? What is difference between balance sheet of RBI and PSBs .??
Q8)-What is Balance sheet ?? What is difference between balance sheet of RBI and PSBs .??
Balance sheet is a
statement of assets and liabilities of a firm as on a particular date.
A Stylised Central Bank Balance Sheet A central bank
balance sheet typically centres around the three traditional central banking
functions of (a) issuer of currency, (b) banker to government and (c) banker to
banks. A stylised central bank balance sheet is presented in Table 1. One needs
to go beyond this relatively mechanistic functional classification to
understand the structure of central bank balance sheets. In this context, it is
important to understand the multiple linkages between the state and the
monetary authority (Pringle and Courtis, 1999). First, most governments fully
own their central banks Table 1: A Stylised Central Bank Balance Sheet
Liability Asset 1 2 Currency Gold Deposits, of Loans and advances, to
Government Government Banks Banks Loans (including securities) Investments, in
Other Liabilities Government securities Capital Account Foreign Assets Paid-up
Capital Reserves Other Assets Total Liabilities Total Assets
see the format of RBI
Commercial banks BS will
have capital, reserves,Deposits, other liabilities on Liabilities sides
Under assets side cash,
loan and advances, contra for gurantees
issues, LC issued,
Q9)-what things i see on Liabilities side of RBI's Balance sheet and what should be on the Asset side ??
Q9)-what things i see on Liabilities side of RBI's Balance sheet and what should be on the Asset side ??
Q10)-apart from import export ,what are the other things on which Current account Deficit depends??
Current account deficit
of central government is as a result of difference in receipts and payments in a given period.
(receipts are taxes and payments are expenditures for capital and revenue
schemes) This has no connection with
import or export.
Difference between
import and exports, inward receipts is Balance of Payments of a country.
Q11)-what is meaning of Refinance ?? does it has different meaning in different sectors of the Indian Industries??
Q11)-what is meaning of Refinance ?? does it has different meaning in different sectors of the Indian Industries??
Refinance means finance being given by other agencies on the
finance made. For example for
agricultural loans given by commercial banks they get refinanced by
NABARD. Sometimes it can be free of
interest or at a lesser interest. This
is done to encourage banks to not stingy in giving advances for risky areas
like agriculture, small loans.
Sometimes SIDBI also give refinance for advances made to medium
Earlier there use to be refinance for export finance. Now it is not there.
Q12)- i have filled ECGC as my first preference in IBPS PO ,how to defend it ??
is it wise to say the interviewer that ECGC has no rural branch and has less working days than PSBs ??
Q12)- i have filled ECGC as my first preference in IBPS PO ,how to defend it ??
is it wise to say the interviewer that ECGC has no rural branch and has less working days than PSBs ??
I am of the view that ECGC will have more career progress. I was suggested by my well wishers to choose
so. However if I am allotted to commercial
banks also I will take it wholeheartedly and do my best. If one tells that there are no rural branches
–it appears negative at a time when banks want people to work in rural
areas. ECGC also will be having working
days similar to banks.
Q13)-Difference between ECGC and EXIM bank ??
Q13)-Difference between ECGC and EXIM bank ??
ECGC gives policies for exporters and issues whole turn over
guarantees for banks for export finance—both pre shipment and post
EXIM bank
Bank of India – Role, Functions and Facilities
1.1.1 Export-Import Bank of India (Exim
Bank) was set up by an Act of the Parliament “THE EXPORT-IMPORT
BANK OF INDIA ACT, 1981” for providing financial assistance to exporters and
importers, and for functioning as the principal financial institution for
co-ordinating the working of institutions engaged in financing export and
import of goods and services with a view to promoting the country’s
international trade and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
1.1.2 Exim Bank has two broad business streams: one,
the traditional export finance typical of export credit agencies around the
world and two, financing of export oriented units (export capability creation),
which are non-traditional for export credit agencies. Since inception, Exim
Bank has been the principal financial institution in the country for financing
project exports and exports on deferred credit terms. As per Memorandum PEM (MEMORANDUM
of Reserve Bank of India, the following constitute project exports:
Supply of
goods / equipment on deferred payment terms
construction contracts
turnkey projects
Consultancy /
services contracts
Exim Bank extends funded and non-funded facilities for
overseas turnkey projects, civil construction contracts, technical and
consultancy service contracts as well as supplies.
- Turnkey
Projects are those which involve supply of equipment along with related
services, like design, detailed engineering, civil construction, erection
and commissioning of plants and power transmission & distribution
- Construction
Projects involve civil works, steel structural works, as well as
associated supply of construction material and equipment for various
infrastructure projects.
- Technical
and Consultancy Service contracts, involving provision of know-how,
skills, personnel and training are categorised as consultancy projects.
Typical examples of services contracts are: project implementation
services, management contracts, supervision of erection of plants, CAD/
CAM solutions in software exports, finance and accounting systems.
- Supplies:
Supply contracts involve primarily export of capital goods and industrial
manufactures. Typical examples of supply contracts are: supply of stainless
steel slabs and ferro-chrome manufacturing equipments, diesel generators,
pumps and compressors.
1.1.3 Exim
Bank, under powers delegated vide the PEM, provides post-award clearance for
project export contracts valued upto USD 100 million. Project export contracts
valued above USD 100 million need to be provided post-award clearance by the
inter-institutional Working Group. The
Working Group is a single-window clearance mechanism, comprising Exim Bank as
the convenor and nodal agency, RBI – Foreign Exchange Department and Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of
India Ltd. [ECGC]. In the case of very large value projects, officials of
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Ministry of External
Affairs, Government of India, are invited to participate in the Working Group
Meetings. In order to obtain immediate
clarifications for speedy clearance of proposals by the Working Group, the
exporters concerned and their bankers are also associated with the
meetings. With the same objective,
participation of the main sub-suppliers, sub-contractors or other associates
and their bankers in such meetings is also encouraged, particularly in respect
of proposals for high value contracts. Exim Bank
also plays the role of a financier and provides funded and non-funded support
for project export contracts of Indian Entities.
1.1.4 In addition to project exports, Exim Bank also extends fund-based
and non-fund-based facilities to deemed export contracts as defined in Foreign
Trade Policy of GOI, e.g.,
secured under
funding from Multilateral Funding Agencies like the World Bank, Asian
Development Bank, etc.;
secured under International Competitive Bidding;
contracts under
which payments are received in foreign currency.
1.2.1 Exim Bank offers the following Export Credit facilities, which can
be availed of by Indian companies, commercial banks and overseas entities.
1.2.2 For Indian Companies executing contracts overseas
Pre-shipment credit
Exim Bank's Pre-shipment Credit facility, in Indian Rupees and foreign
currency, provides access to finance at the manufacturing stage - enabling
exporters to purchase raw materials and other inputs.
Pre-shipment credits are usually extended
by exporters’ commercial banks for period upto 180 days. Exim Bank extends
pre-shipment / post-shipment credit either directly or in participation with
commercial banks. In order to offer one-stop banking products to export
clients, the Bank has also been offering short-term pre / post shipment credit
either directly or through exporter’s bankers. Exim Bank may consider extending
pre-shipment credit and post-shipment credit for periods exceeding 180 days, on
case-to-case basis and subject to the merits of the case.
Supplier's Credit
This facility enables Indian exporters to extend term credit to
importers (overseas) of eligible goods at the post-shipment stage.
Post-shipment Supplier’s Credit can be extended to Indian exporters upto
the extent of the deferred credit portion of the export contract, either in
Rupees or in Foreign currency. The period of deferred credit and moratorium
will generally depend on the nature of goods [List A and List B of Memorandum
PEM] or nature of projects, as per guidelines contained in the Memorandum PEM
of RBI.
1.2.3 For Project Exporters
Export Project Cash-Flow Deficit Financing Programme
Indian project exporters (including those under Deemed Exports category)
incur expenditure in rupee or foreign currency while executing contracts i.e.
costs of mobilisation/acquisition of materials, personnel and equipment etc.
Exim Bank's facility helps them meet these expenses for -
a) Project Export
b) contracts in
India categorized as Deemed Exports in the Foreign Trade Policy of India.
Capital Equipment Finance Programme (CEFP)
Equipment Finance Programme [CEFP] has been conceived to cater to capital
expenditure for procurement of capital equipment to be utilized across multiple
contracts. CEFP provides direct access to Exim Bank’s finance for eligible
Indian companies for procurement of indigenous and imported capital equipment
for executing overseas projects / deemed export projects.
1.2.4 For Exporters of Consultancy and Technological
Exim Bank offers a special credit facility to Indian exporters of
consultancy and technology services, so that they can, in turn, extend term
credit to overseas importers.
1.2.5 Guarantee Facilities
Indian companies can avail of guarantee facilities of different types to
furnish requisite guarantees to facilitate execution of export contracts
(including deemed export contracts) and import transactions.
Advance Payment Guarantee (APG): Issued to
project exporters to secure a project mobilization advance as a percentage
(10-20%) of the contract value, which is generally recovered on a pro-rata
basis from the progress payment during project execution.
Performance Guarantee (PG):
PG for up to 5-10% of contract value is issued valid until completion of
maintenance period and/or grant of Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) by the
overseas employer/client.
Retention Money Guarantee (RMG): This
enables the exporter to obtain the release of retained payments from the client
prior to issuance of Project Acceptance Certificate (PAC)/ Final Acceptance
Certificate (FAC).
Other Guarantees: e.g. in lieu of customs duty or
security deposit for expatriate labour, equipment etc.
Eligibility: Indian project exporters securing
overseas or deemed export contracts.
1.2.6 For Overseas Entities
Buyer's Credit
Overseas buyers can avail of Buyer's Credit from Exim Bank, for import
of eligible goods from India on deferred payment terms. As per Memorandum PEM
guidelines, RBI has authorised Exim Bank to extend overseas buyer’s credits
upto USD 20 mn for project exports without seeking approval of RBI.
The facility enables exporters/contractors to expand
abroad and into non-traditional markets. It also enables exporters/contractors
to be competitive when bidding or negotiating for overseas jobs.
Benefits to Foreign Customers
- Enables
overseas buyers to obtain medium-and long-term financing
- Competitive
interest rate against host country's high cost of borrowing.
Buyer's Credit is extended to a foreign project
company that intends to award the project execution to an Indian project
exporter. The financing will be available to all kinds of projects and service
exports from India. Facility is available for development, upgrading or
expansion of infrastructure facilities; financing of public or private projects
such as plants and buildings; professional
services such as surveyors, architecture, consultations, etc.
Buyer’s Credit under NEIA
Buyer’s Credit – NEIA is a unique financing mechanism
that provides a safe mode of non-recourse financing option to Indian exporters
and serves as an effective market entry tool to traditional as well as new
markets in developing countries, which need deferred credit on medium or
long-term basis.
Under this facility, Exim Bank facilitates project
exports from India by way of extending credit to overseas sovereign governments
and government owned entities for import of Indian goods and services from
India on deferred credit terms. Exim Bank will obtain credit insurance cover
under NEIA through ECGC. NEIA is a trust set up by the Ministry of Commerce and
administered by Export Credit & Guarantee Corporation of India
(ECGC).Facility is available for project exports requiring medium or long term
deferred credit.
Exim Bank extends the credit directly to overseas
buyer of projects from India without recourse to Indian exporter. Borrower
should be overseas sovereign governments or government owned entities. Amount
of Loan should generally not be more than 85% of the contract value. Sovereign
guarantee is needed where the borrower is other than the foreign government.
Any other security may be stipulated on
a case-to-case basis.
1.2.7 The Project
Finance menu of funded and non-funded facilities to Indian exporters, commercial
banks in India and overseas entities is given below:
For Commercial Banks in India
v Post-shipment Supplier’s Credit
v Export Project Cash flow Deficit Financing Program
v Pre-shipment Credit in Rupee and Foreign Currency
v Finance for Export of Consultancy and Technology
v Finance for Deemed Export contracts
v Capital Equipment Finance
v Financing Deemed Export contracts secured via
structures including but not restricted to BOT / BOO / BOOT / BOLT
v Letters of Credit / Guarantees
v Risk participation in funded / non-funded facilities
extended to Indian exporters.
v Refinance of Export Credit
For Overseas Entities
v Buyer’s Credit
v Buyer’s Credit under NEIA
RBI’s Memorandum PEM has to be referred for Project and Service Exports.
1.3.1 Export
Capability Creation loans extended by the Bank may be classified into three
broad categories viz. finance for overseas investment, finance for export
oriented units and finance for financial intermediaries. Besides loans, the
Bank also extends non-fund based assistance by way of guarantees and Letters of
Credit (L/Cs). The three categories are discussed as under:
1. Overseas Investment
ü Term Financing – to overseas
Joint Ventures/ Wholly Owned Subsidiaries as well as to Indian companies
towards part financing their equity investment in overseas JV/ WOS.
ü Equity Investment –
Participation in equity of overseas ventures of Indian companies.
ü Working Capital Loans to
ü Guarantees to JVs/WOSs
2. Export- Oriented Units
ü Asset Creation
ü Working Capital
Medium Term
Short Term
ü Special Products
Marketing Finance
Product Development Finance
Vendor Development Finance
& Development (R&D) Finance
Finance for
Indian Educational Institutions and setting up institutions abroad
Finance for
Software Technology Parks
Finance for
Development of Minor Ports / Jetties
Industry Financing
non-fund based guarantees
and stand-by LCs (SBLCs)
Letters of
Credit (LCs)
3. Financial Intermediaries
ü Refinance to Commercial
ü Export Bills Rediscounting
for commercial banks.
The primary objective of providing Export Capability Creation loans is to
facilitate export production and international competitiveness of borrower
companies. Exim Bank provides a comprehensive range of products and services
covering financial needs of the borrower companies at all stages of their
business cycle. The Bank’s vision is to develop commercially viable
relationships with a target set of externally oriented companies by offering
them a comprehensive range of products and services aimed at enhancing their
internationalisation efforts.
1.3.3 Overseas Investment Finance
Exim Bank encourages Indian companies to invest abroad
for, inter alia, setting up manufacturing units and for acquiring overseas
companies to get access to the foreign market, technology, raw materal, brand,
IPR etc. For financing such overseas investments, Exim Bank provides:
a) Term loans to Indian companies upto 80% of
their equity investment in overseas JV/ WOS.
b) Term loans to Indian companies towards upto
80% of loan extended by them to the overseas JV/ WOS.
c) Term loans to overseas JV/ WOS towards part
(i) capital expenditure towards
acquisition of assets,
(ii) working capital,
(iii) equity investment in another company,
(iv) acquisition of brands/ patents/ rights/ other IPR,
(v) acquisition of another company,
(vi) any other activity that would otherwise be eligible for finance from Exim Bank had it been an Indian entity.
(ii) working capital,
(iii) equity investment in another company,
(iv) acquisition of brands/ patents/ rights/ other IPR,
(v) acquisition of another company,
(vi) any other activity that would otherwise be eligible for finance from Exim Bank had it been an Indian entity.
d) Guarantee facility to the overseas JV/ WOS for
raising term loan/ working capital.
Eligibility to avail finance or
Exim Bank's funded/ non-funded assistance is generally
with recourse to the Indian promoter Company. Exim Bank financing is available
in Indian Rupees (to the Indian borrower) and in foreign currency [as per
extant RBI guidelines]. The tenor range is usually 5-7 years with a suitable
moratorium, and repayments in suitable monthly/ quarterly installments.
Promoter margin is minimum 20% and security will include inter alia appropriate
charge on the assets of the overseas entity, Corporate Guarantee of the Indian
promoter backed by appropriate charge on its assets, Political and/ or
commercial risk cover, Pledge of shares held by the Indian promoter in the
overseas venture etc.
1.3.4 Export- Oriented Units, Corporate
The Bank offers a number of financing programmes for
Export Oriented Units (EOUs), importers and for companies making overseas
investments. The financing programmes cater to the term loan requirements of
Indian exporters for financing their new project, expansion, modernization,
purchase of equipment, R&D, overseas investments and also the working
capital requirements.
Research & Development Finance
for Export Oriented Units:
Exim Bank encourages Indian exporters to invest more
in their R&D spending in order to develop new products/processes/ IPRs for
enhancing export capabilities. Considering the need to bridge the funding gap
of Indian exporters in R&D space, the Bank has a dedicated R&D
Financing Programme. Under the said Programme, financing for R&D can be
extended to any export oriented company/ SPV promoted by companies,
irrespective of the nature of industry. The financing covers both capital and
revenue expenditure including inter alia:
Land and building, civil works for housing eligible
R&D activities;
Equipments, tools, computer hardware/ software,
miscellaneous fixed assets used in eligible R&D activities;
Acquisition of technology from India or overseas at
the “proof of concept” or design stage, which will be used to develop new
product/ process.
Salaries of R&D personnel, support staff during
the R&D project phase including training costs;
Cost of regulatory approvals, filing and maintenance
of patent registration;
Product documentation and allied costs during the
R&D project phase.
Costs of materials, surveys, technology demonstration
studies and field trial
Any other costs to enhance R&D capability.
Export oriented firms with exports (actual/projected)
of at least `5 crores or 10% of annual turnover.
R&D finance is generally extended upto 7 years.
However, longer tenors with suitable interest resets would be permissible. Structured
repayment can be considered to match the cash flow.
Upto 80% of the total project cost can be funded.
Security to include, inter alia, appropriate charge on
the assets, Corporate Guarantee, charge/ assignment on the regulatory approval/
IPR, personal guarantee etc.
Pre-shipment/Post-shipment Credit
Exim Bank extends export credit to Indian exporters to
meet a wide range of trade financing requirements for execution of an export
transaction. The Bank provides working capital finance by way pre-shipment
credit and post-shipment credit. Bank also extends as part of export credit
assistance, non-fund based limits inter alia including issuance of Letters of
Credit (both Foreign & inland) and Bank Guarantees (both Foreign &
inland) for its clients. The credit limits are generally extended as part of
Borrower’s consortium limit and are operated as a running account facility. The
limits may be renewed for further period subject to satisfactory review of
account and depending on the Borrower’s export credit requirement. The
facilities can be drawn in either Indian Rupee or Foreign Currency.
Indian exporters with a track record.
The limit should be within the MPBF of Borrower’s
assessed bank finance.
Margin of 15-20% under pre-shipment and 0-10% under
Adequate security to be provided. Typical security
includes appropriate charge on the current assets including export receivables,
ECGC cover etc.
Lending Programme for Export
Oriented Units:
Exim Bank provides term loans to export oriented
Indian companies to finance various capital expenditures including certain soft
expenditures in order to improve their export capability and to enhance their
international competitiveness. Loans/Guarantees are extended for the following
purposes: Expansion, modernization, upgradation or diversification projects
including acquisition of equipment, technology etc.; export marketing; export
product development; setting up of Software Technology Parks;
Manufacturing/trading/services companies with a
minimum export orientation (actual/projected) of 10% of their annual turnover,
or exports of `5 crore p.a., whichever is lower [inclusive of exports through
Export/Trading Houses], are eligible to avail finance from Exim Bank. Exim Bank
financing is available in Indian Rupees and in foreign currency [as per extant
RBI guidelines]. The tenor range is usually 7-10 years with a suitable
moratorium, and repayments in suitable monthly/ quarterly installments.
Promoter margin is minimum 20% and appropriate charge on the fixed assets of
the company/project plus any other acceptable security including personal
guarantees may be stipulated.
Apart from the Corporate Banking facilities, there are
additional services that Exim Bank offers to support Small and Medium
Exim Bank has arranged for a credit line from the
Asian Development Bank (ADB) for providing foreign currency term loans to the
MSME borrowers in certain specific lagging states of India, viz. Assam, Madhya
Pradesh, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan and
Uttarakhand. These foreign currency term loans can also finance domestic
capital expenditure of the borrowers in Indian Rupees, besides meeting their
foreign currency capital expenditure requirements. The assistance to these
MSMEs will help in increasing competitiveness in the relatively backward states
and help in integrating them into the mainstream economy.
Export oriented MSMEs (as defined in MSMED Act, 2006)
incorporated in the above mentioned lagging states
Purpose: To meet long term foreign currency loan requirements
of Indian exporting entities in the MSME sector for financing their eligible
capital expenditure. pertaining to inter alia setting up of new facilities,
expansion/modernization of existing facilities, acquisition of equipment and
plant & machinery, setting up of testing/R&D facilities, setting up of
captive power plants/co-generation plant, setting up of infrastructure
facilities like effluent treatment plants, storages/warehouses, etc. The Tenor
of the loan will be upto 7 years including suitable moratorium.
For cluster of Indian MSME EOUs
Exim Bank, besides providing financial assistance to
individual MSME EOUs, also provides financial assistance to Special Purpose
Vehicles (SPVs) of a cluster of MSMEs. Term loans are provided to such clusters
of MSME units for the following activities:
Development of new geographically contiguous cluster/industrial
park, involving creation & maintenance of common infrastructure and common
facilities, including inter alia construction of buildings and civil works,
acquisition of assets/technology, for the benefit of industrial units within
the cluster/industrial park.
Development of an industrial estate, by industrial
users, industry associations and/or Government bodies.
Up-gradation of an existing industrial cluster or
industrial estate.
Development of specific infrastructure, including
common effluent treatment plant, captive power plant, transportation linkages,
hazardous waste disposal.
Development of Common Facilities Centers like testing
centers, cold storages, for industrial clusters, industrial estates, or a group
of industries with common interests.
Technology & Innovation
Enhancement and Infrastructure Development Fund (TIEID):
With a view to facilitate credit flow to the MSME
sector at competitive rates, Exim Bank has set up a Technology and Innovation
Enhancement and Infrastructure Development (TIEID) fund of USD 500 mn
exclusively for MSMEs, to augment their export competitiveness and
internationalisation efforts, by partnering with banks / FIs. TIEID seeks to
meet long term foreign currency loan requirements of Indian exporting entities
in the MSME sector for meeting capital expenditure, through refinancing of
Banks / FIs against their eligible SME financing portfolio.
Scheduled Commercial Banks / Financial institutions in
India having acceptable credit risk for on-lending to MSME units.
Eligible Beneficiary:
Ultimate Beneficiary of the Foreign Currency funds
provided to eligible Banks/FIs shall be MSME units in India having a minimum
export orientation of 10% of annual turnover or exports of ` 5 crores p.a in
absolute terms, whichever is lower. The loan should be used to meet long term
foreign currency loan requirements of Indian exporting entities in the MSME
sector for meeting eligible capital expenditure. Eligible capital expenditure
include technology upgradation, capacity creation, common infrastructure
development like captive power plant, common effluent treatment plant,
hazardous waste disposal facility, testing facilities etc.
Lending Programme for Financing
Creative Economy:
The Creative Industries are those industries which
have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent and which have a
potential for wealth and Job creation through the generation and exploitation
of intellectual property viz., Advertising, Architecture, Art and Antiques
Market, Crafts, Design, Designer Fashion, Film and Video, Interactive Leisure
Software, Music, Performing Arts, Publishing, Software and Computer Services,
Television and Radio etc. In view of the large untapped potential for
increasing exports by the creative industries and in order to provide a
strategic focus to this sector and enhance Exim Bank’s presence in the creative
economy space, and as a corollary, in the MSME segment, Exim Bank has
introduced a Programme specifically for financing the Creative Economy.
The illustrative list of industry sectors include
Heritage {Traditional Cultural Expressions (Art & Crafts, Festivals,
Celebrations etc), Cultural Sites (Historical Monuments, Museums, Libraries,
Archives etc)}; Arts {Visual Arts (Painting, Sculpture, Antique, Photography
etc), Performing Arts (Live Music, Theatre, Dance, Opera, Puppetry etc)}; Media
{ Publishing & Printed Media (Books, Newspapers, Press & other
Publications), Audio Visuals (Film, TV & Radio, Broadcasting etc), New
Media (Digitised Content, Software, Video Games, Animations etc); Functional
Creations { Design (Interior, Graphic, Fashion, Jewellery, Toys etc), Creative
Services (Architecture, Advertising, Creative R & D, Cultural Services,
Digital Services etc)}
The Bank supports globalisation of enterprises based
out of rural areas of the country through its GRID programme. Through this
initiative, the Bank extends financial support to promote grassroots
initiatives/technologies, particularly those having export potential. The
objective of the programme is to help artisans/producer groups/clusters/small
enterprises across the country realize remunerative return on their produce
essentially through facilitating exports from these units. The group handles
credit proposals from such organizations working at the rural /grassroots level
and offers tailor-made financial products to cater to their needs. The group is
mandated to work towards developing a robust, vibrant and holistic approach in
its intervention by providing assistance at various stages of product
development / business cycle including capacity building, export capability
creation, expansion/diversification and finally exports. The broad areas of
support extended by the Bank through its grassroots initiatives inter alia,
include capacity building, development of common facility centres, construction
of raw material bank, technology upgradation and creation of export capability.
The organisations eligible for support should meet various
criteria including, but not limited to the following:
Should be a legal entity
registered under respective State/Central Govt. Act as a Society, Trust,
Co-operative, Private Limited Company, Producer Company, or NGO etc;
Should be working with
communities at grassroots level for promoting income generating activities
(IGAs) based on the traditional skills using indigenous or locally available
materials in the areas of product development & design, capacity building,
market development etc.;
Should have proven track
record of creating /adopting sustainable livelihood model which could be
upscaled and replicated across the geographies sharing similar characteristics
(demographic, cultural, socio-economic similarities, etc
Should be exporting, directly
or indirectly
1.4.1 A Line of Credit (LOC) is a financing mechanism
through which Exim Bank extends support for export of projects, equipment,
goods and services from India. Exim Bank extends LOCs on its own and also at
the behest and with the support of Government of India. Exim Bank extends Lines
of Credit to:
Foreign Governments or their nominated agencies such as central banks, state
owned commercial banks and para-statal organizations;
b) National
or regional development banks;
c) Overseas
financial institutions;
d) Commercial
banks abroad;
e) Other
suitable overseas entities.
The above mentioned recipients of LOCs act as
intermediaries and on lend to overseas buyers for import of Indian equipment,
goods and services. LOC is a financing mechanism that provides a safe mode of
non-recourse financing option to Indian exporters to enter new export markets
or expand business in existing export markets without any payment risk from the
overseas importers.
1.4.2 BROAD
The Government of India (GOI), in 2003-04, formulated
the Indian Development Initiative (IDI), now known as Indian Development and
Economic Assistance Scheme [IDEAS] – with the objective of sharing India’s
development experience through
(a) capacity building and skills
(b) trade, and
(c) infrastructure development,
(b) trade, and
(c) infrastructure development,
by extending concessional Lines of Credit (LOCs) routed through Exim Bank, to developing partner countries, towards creating socio-economic benefits in the partner country. Recently, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has set up the Development Partnership Administration (DPA) Division to deal with India’s development assistance programmes abroad, including LOCs routed through Exim Bank. These LOCs are now increasingly being extended to partner countries for large-scale and complex projects (project exports from India).
Bilateral or multilateral assistance, through lines of
credit, typically follows a sequence of standard procedures, viz.
a) project identification and preparation,
b) review and approval of the project proposal,
c) offer of the loan, acceptance and execution of loan agreement,
d) project implementation, monitoring and supervision, and
e) socio-economic impact assessment after project completion.
The lessons learned from the impact assessment /
evaluation act as a feedback to the preparation, review and implementation of
future projects. This process forms the 'project cycle.'
1.4.3 BROAD
Exim Bank, since its inception, has been extending
LOCs to various countries to promote export of Indian projects, products and
services. Under the LOCs extended by Exim Bank to overseas financial
institutions, foreign governments, regional and national development banks and
commercial banks, Exim Bank finances all items eligible for being exported
under the 'Foreign Trade Policy' of Government of India. The credit periods for
these LOCs are generally upto 7 years and the LOCs typically carry LIBOR-linked
interest rates.
1.5.1 Research & Analysis
Exim Bank’s Research & Analysis
Group (RAG) offers a vast range of research products. The Bank’s team of
experienced economists and strategists provide insights on aspects of
international economics, trade and investment through qualitative and
quantitative research techniques. RAG monitors the global trends in the world
and domestic economies and the impact of these trends, especially on India and
other developing economies. RAG caters to the constituents within the Bank, as
well as to those external to the Bank such as Government, RBI,
exporters/importers, trade & industry associations, external credit
agencies, academic institutions and researchers.
1.5.2 The research work carried out in the Group
under the broad classification of regional, sectoral and policy related
studies, are published in the form of Occasional Papers, Working Papers, Books,
etc. These research studies primarily envisage identifying avenues for
enhancing India's international engagement.
1.5.3 The group also undertakes country profiles,
which assess the economic, political, currency and credit risks involved, along
with the export opportunities in the country concerned. Further the profiles
provide short-to-medium term economic outlook of a country, indicating the
economic risk involved in doing business with country.
1.5.4 As a part of the support services and with an
objective to provide contemporary information to Indian traders and investors,
the group disseminates information on export opportunities and highlights
developments that have a bearing on Indian exports, through its quarterly
bulletin, Eximius: Export Advantage. The newsletter comprises of regional and
industry outlooks, Bank’s activities, opportunities in multilateral funded
projects and contract awards, review on select traded currencies and countries,
and a section on the happenings during the quarter. The newsletter is a free
publication, effectively distributed to a wide network of scholars, economists,
institutions, Government of India offices, and export promoting organisations.
1.5.5 The Bank also brings out a bi-monthly
publication titled ‘Agri Export Advantage’ in English, Hindi and 10 regional
languages (Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Oriya,
Punjabi, Tamil, and Telugu). The newsletter provides stakeholders of Indian
agribusiness with updates on global agri-environment and markets, research
reports on agri-commodities, international issues related to agri-business,
prospective areas of agribusiness, agricultural trade and trade policies,
regulatory issues in international trade, WTO Government schemes and
assistance, latest international news brief and Bank's activities to promote
agri-export from India.
The Bank Brings out a bilingual
‘Indo-China Newsletter’ featuring areas of cooperation between India and China.
1.6.1 Marketing
Advisory Services
Exim Bank plays a promotional role and seeks to create
and enhance export capabilities and international competitiveness of Indian
companies. Exim Bank through its Marketing Advisory Services helps Indian
exporting firms in their globalisation efforts by proactively assisting in
locating overseas distributor(s)/buyer(s)/ partner(s) for their products and
services. The Bank assists in identification of opportunities overseas for
setting up plants or projects or for acquisition of companies overseas. MAS Group
leverages the Bank's high international standing, indepth knowledge and
understanding of the international markets and well established institutional
linkages, coupled with its physical presence, to support Indian companies in
their overseas marketing initiatives on a success fee basis. Exim Bank has been
able to successfully place a range of products in overseas as well as domestic
Eligibility :
Any company/firm wanting to export its quality
products/services is eligible to avail this benefit as long as it does not fall
in the negative list of India's Foreign Trade Policy and International
Conventions. Marketing Advisory Services are provided across all the sectors.
Information required from the company is as under:-
- Company
- Product
- Printed
- Prices
- Existing
export markets & target markets
- Minimum
order quantity
- Quality
- Samples,
as and when required
1.7.1 EXPORT
The Export Advisory Services Group [EAS] offers a
diverse range of information, advisory and support services, which enable
exporters to evaluate international risks, exploit export opportunities and
improve competitiveness. Value added information and support services are
provided to Indian projects exporters on the projects funded by multilateral
The Group undertakes customised research on behalf of
interested companies in the areas such as establishing market potential,
defining marketing arrangements, and specifying market distribution channels.
Developing export market entry plans, facilitating accomplishment of
international quality certification and display of products in trade fairs and
exhibitions are other services provided.
The Bank provides a wide range of information,
advisory and support services, which complement its financing programmes. These
services are provided on a fee basis to Indian companies and overseas entities.
The scope of services includes market-related information, sector and
feasibility studies, technology supplier identification, partner search,
investment facilitation and development of joint ventures both in India and
1.7.2 Multilateral
Funded Projects Overseas (MFPO)
The Bank provides a package of information and support
services to Indian companies to help improve their prospects for securing
business in projects funded by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, African
Development Bank, and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Exim Bank as a Consultant
The Bank’s experience in evolving as an institution
supporting international trade and investment, in addition to functioning as an
export credit agency in a developing country context, is of particular relevance
in other developing countries. The Bank has been sharing its experience and
expertise by undertaking consultancy assignments. Exim Bank also shares its
experience and expertise through provision of on-site exchange of personnel
programmes aimed at providing a first-hands experience to the employees of its
institutional partners.
Institutional Linkages
The Bank has fostered a network of alliances and
institutional linkages with multilateral agencies, export credit agencies,
banks and financial institutions, trade promotion bodies, and investment
promotion boards to help create an enabling environment for supporting trade
and investment. The Global Network of Exim Banks and Development Finance
Institutions (G-NEXID) was set up in Geneva in March 2006 through the Bank’s
initiative, under the auspices of UNCTAD. With the active support of a number
of other Exim Banks and Development Finance Institutions from various
developing countries, the network has endeavoured to foster enhanced
South-South trade and investment cooperation. ‘Observer Status’ in UNCTAD
underscores support for the Forum.
Award for Excellence
The Bank, in association with CII, has instituted an
Annual Award for Business Excellence for best Total Quality Management (TQM)
practices adopted by an Indian company. The Award is based on the European
Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) model. (search in google EXIM Bank functions)
Q14)-what type of exports items ECGC insure ?? are there some items which ECGC can't insure ??
Q14)-what type of exports items ECGC insure ?? are there some items which ECGC can't insure ??
ECGC gives policies for exports made to other countries excepting
countries that may be banned from time to time. For exporters who have been
black listed and for exports to countries banned ECGC will not give policies or
give guarantees to bankers.
Q15)-I have cleared NABARD DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT written exam. What should be expected interview questions for this post?? this will be my first NABARD interview ,so please help me.
Q15)-I have cleared NABARD DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT written exam. What should be expected interview questions for this post?? this will be my first NABARD interview ,so please help me.
Go through the website
of NABARD thoroughly point by point. Also
know about agricultural adances.
Q16)- Our Prime Minister is making so much foreign visits ,are they really benefiting us ?? Should PM first focus on India's internal affairs rather than visiting other nations for MAKE IN INDIA campaign ??
Q16)- Our Prime Minister is making so much foreign visits ,are they really benefiting us ?? Should PM first focus on India's internal affairs rather than visiting other nations for MAKE IN INDIA campaign ??
PM’s foreign visits are
useful for strengthening relationship between our two countries and improve
business investments in both countries.
PM is focusing on others schemes through his officers. (Do not talk negative in such “trap”
questions). Be careful. Be positive,.
Q17)-i am joining BOI as a clerk .what questions can i expect over BOI?? can i expect questions on my posting zone??
what type of clerical work related questions they can ask from me in the interview ??
Q17)-i am joining BOI as a clerk .what questions can i expect over BOI?? can i expect questions on my posting zone??
what type of clerical work related questions they can ask from me in the interview ??
Yes. Questions will be
based on your posting in BOI and nature of duties and also about BOI.
Q18)- why payment bank is called a bank when does not meeting the proper definition of Banking ??
Q18)- why payment bank is called a bank when does not meeting the proper definition of Banking ??
Payment banks fall
within the definition of banking “receiving deposits from the public and making
advances”. Here they may be investing in
government securities,

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I will wait for the
replies sir :) .
I forgot to tell you
that some of the questions are actually asked to me in SBI PO and RBI Assistant
interview though i am an engineering graduate and i couldn't able to answer and
they have allotted me very less marks in the interview and i could not get
through :( .
Sir please add one more question to the list .
Q)-CRR and SLR are Cash reserve ratio and statutory liquidity ratio .what are there definition in terms of ratio.
Are they ratio of Liquid assets (cash etc) to NDTL. ?? Am i right ??
Q)-can RBI increase both CRR and SLR to 40% ?? Is 40% the maximum limit.
Sir please add one more question to the list .
Q)-CRR and SLR are Cash reserve ratio and statutory liquidity ratio .what are there definition in terms of ratio.
Are they ratio of Liquid assets (cash etc) to NDTL. ?? Am i right ??
Q)-can RBI increase both CRR and SLR to 40% ?? Is 40% the maximum limit.
CRR is 4% of total
demand and time liabilities which banks have to keep with rBI in their current
account. SLR is 21.5% of total demand
and time liabilities which banks have to keep in the form government securities
or gold.
Maximum for SLR 40%.
here is
no minimum level of CRR. Similarly, there is no maximum. In theory, CRR can go
upto 100%, which would mean RBI impounding the entire NDTL as a cash reserve.
Until the RBI Act was amended in 2007, the minimum value of CRR
was statutorily fixed at 3% and the maximum was fixed at 20%. Both these limits
(lower and upper) were removed by the amendment which came into effect in early
Higher the CRR with the RBI lower will be the liquidity in the
system and vice-versa.
Liquidity Ratio: SLR is that proportion of a bank’s Net Demand and Time
Liabilities (NDTL) that it has to maintain as investments in certain
specified assets (cash, precious metals, and govt. approved securities like
bonds). SLR is governed by the provisions of Section 24 of the Banking
Regulation Act.
There is no minimum stipulation on SLR (earlier there used to be
a minimum stipulated SLR of 25% – but this was removed with an amendment to the
Banking Regulation Act in 2007).
However, SLR cannot exceed 40%.
Statutory Liquidity Ratio is determined and maintained by the
Reserve Bank of India in order to control the expansion of bank credit. The
current SLR is 23%.
Net Demand and Time Liability is the sum total of demand and time
liability a bank owes. NDTL can be understood as total deposits a bank has.
Repo Rate or repurchase rate: Repo rate is the rate
at which banks borrow money from RBI for short
period by selling their securities (financial assets) to
the central bank with an agreement to repurchase it at a future date at
predetermined price. It is similar to borrowing money from a money-lender by
selling him something, and later buying it back at a pre-fixed price.
Bank Rate is the
rate at which banks borrow money from the central bank without any sale of
securities. It is generally for a longer period of time. This is similar to
borrowing money from someone and paying interest on that amount.
Both these rates are determined by the central bank of the
country (RBI) based on the demand and supply of money in the economy.
Reverse Repo Rate: Reverse
repo rate is the rate of interest at which the central bank borrows funds from
other banks for a short duration. The banks deposit their short term excess
funds with the central bank and earn interest on it.
Reverse Repo Rate is used by the central bank to absorb
liquidity from the economy. When it feels that there is too much money floating
in the market, it increases the reverse repo rate, meaning that the central
bank will pay a higher rate of interest to the banks for depositing money with
References: – ,
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